Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants are a 24 hour a day information and promotion system. They can be as large as a full sized person giving customer information on demand, down to 6 inch systems which are small enough to fit into store shelves. They can be live people or animated characters and are great at getting customers attentions.

Captivating, engaging and a great way to break through the visual clutter. Our VA’s come in a variety of sizes, from a can sized shape, to a full sized person. A Virtual Assistant sells your message.

The Virtual Assistant can speak different languages and provide useful information. Its perfect for the retail, mall, airport or anywhere where you want your message to be heard.

We can build you a complete system down to your unique specifications or rent you the package. Our charges make this a cost effective way for you to get your message across.

About Company

We create compelling content that is...

Visually and aurally stunning

Emotionally gratifying

Technically exciting

Unique and unforgettable

We love Wow!

Shotz Ltd is a boutique production company based in Auckland, New Zealand.

We have over 25 years of experience of making TVC's, documentaries, dramas, corporate videos.

As well as future technolgies including live event holograms, walk through projection screens, virtual people,.hologram boxes, video games and everything which is new and exciting.

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